Monthly Archives: April 2016

Shall Share Shawl…


…with you dearest reader, my first attempt at such a garment – what do you think? It’s in its early stages as yet of course, but I’m loving my choice of shawl shades…


The pattern is from issue 66 of the marvellous ‘Mollie Makes’ magazine, although I did wander away from the all-green colour as depicted in the pattern, opting instead for a striped combination of colours (once I had had a little play around with my beloved yarn pegs) that were pleasing on the eye. I have to confess dear reader, crocheting shawls may become rather addictive, so watch this space…

Remember that blissful blanket I was upcycling from the back of an old headboard cover- the one where the front section has already been transformed into a cosy cushion cover? Well, I managed to complete it over Easter…


So what started out as a rather useless block of silver grey crochet, has now been transformed – via the magic of a crochet hook wand – into a thoroughly useful blankie. Hurrah!

Keeping with the crochet theme, a bounty of bouncing bunnies was created for my spring display, via a crochet pattern in the spring edition of the lovely ‘Landscape’ magazine…


Amazingly, each bunny is made from a single knitted or crocheted square, sewn up in such a way as to form a bunny shape, as if by magic! Easy-peasy!

Landscape magazine has also inspired me to attempt a little floral embroidery on linen…


…I can’t wait to start stitching. Ooh, I must crack on with those knitted squares for darling daughter’s dream cream quilt as well though; I’ve made over 40 now so the dream is nearing reality! Keep on crafting…